General Security

Front Office Procedures

The main office will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each school day.

  • All of the exterior school doors are locked at all times during the school day, and all visitors are required to enter through the front office (next to the white gates).
  • Visitors will sign in, and present their photo ID. 
  • Students arriving late after 8:20 am must go directly to the office and sign in.
  • All students leaving early must be signed out by a parent/guardian that is listed in their emergency contact. 
  • Front office staff will call the teacher to send for student. 
  • Please be patient with our front office staff, they are the heart of our school and work tirelessly to make sure students, staff, and parents have what they need!
  • If you would like to meet with an administrator, please make an appointment by emailing or calling your student’s Assistant Principal.
  • In order to ensure your child’s safety and wellbeing at school, we need to know where the parent(s)/guardian(s) live and how to reach them. Parents are requested to submit to the office any change of address or telephone numbers. All parents should provide a telephone number where they may be reached during the school day. If your telephone number changes during the school year, please contact the main office.


Front Office Phone: (512) 414-4163

Harolyn Collins

Administrative Assistant

Laura Pena-Skadburg

Attendance Specialist

Nancy Piñeda


Safety and Security

The safety and security of our staff & students are top priority. Drills are an essential part of making sure campuses are prepared for the many different hazards they may face. We will conduct four critical incident drills: an evacuation drill, a reverse evacuation drill, a shelter-in-place drill and an announced lockdown drill. Campus evacuation drills must be conducted at least once per month when students are in class. Best Practices When you are on campus, you have a responsibility to help us and be the extra eyes and ears of the district.


Visit the AISD Emergency Management page for more information.

Door Safety

To ensure the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors, Marshall Middle School strictly prohibits the opening of doors to strangers and propping doors. This policy aims to minimize potential risks and safeguard the school community from unauthorized individuals. All members of the school community are expected to comply with this policy and play an active role in its implementation. If a student is caught opening an exterior door or propping open a door for any person, there will be consequences