
Every Day Counts!

Regular attendance in all classes is an expectation of all Austin ISD students. State law and District policy state that students must be in attendance for 90% of the instructional days for a class to receive credit. A student who misses more days than allowed by AISD policy, excused or unexcused, may not be given credit for that class unless time and/or work is made up for the absences. Students will work with the grade level administrator to complete the appropriate steps to reach compliance. 

Parents: Making sure your student is in school and on time every day is the law. For more information visit the district's attendance page


Please send in documentation of student absences using the School Absence Form on the AISD website or complete a paper form (pick up in Front Office).
We, DO NOT accept phone calls or voicemail messages as documentation for a student's absence.

Chelsy Ortiz, Attendance Specialist | 512-CAMPUS # (office)

Please have medical offices submit documentation of your student’s visit to “ ”. 

Please allow up to 72 hours (3 business days) for attendance to be corrected.

Set up notifications for your student’s attendance and grades via Parent Self Serve. Click here to learn more about attendance descriptions and codes.

Students attending family trips during scheduled school days will remain coded as an unexcused absence. Car problems, traffic, or oversleeping will not be considered as an excused absence or excused tardy.

Attendance- 90% Rule

  • The single biggest factor for school success is regular attendance. Therefore, in Texas, students under the age of 18 are required by state law to attend school 90% of the time the class is offered. 
  • Students are considered absent for each class if they miss more than half of the class period. 
  • Parents will receive an automated phone call from the district when their student is absent from class. 
  • Students who miss more than 10% of any course may be retained in the same grade level the next school year. 
  • Students have the opportunity to make up attendance by attending Tutorials, Homework Club or Twilight Credit Recovery, Tuesday thru Thursday, 3:55 p.m. – 5:20 p.m. 
  • A student must be in each class 90% of the time to receive credit for that class

Attendance - credit recovery

More information is available from this website: Attendance Compulsory 

The method of credit approval or recovery is unique to each student. Examples of actions under the Principal’s Plan for recovery may include, but are not limited to:

  • Additional work is assigned
  • Tutoring/study hall time is assigned
  • Practice on SAT/ACT skills (must occur outside of school day, but at the school site)
  • NJHS/PALS/AVID tutoring (must occur outside of the school day)
  • Any combination of the above, or Other academic activities as assigned.

Attendance - Absence

What to do when your child is absent

  1. Please do not call the office to inform us.
  2. Email a note to explaining the absence. The note becomes a permanent part of school records and must include:
    • student’s first and last name
    • grade
    • date(s) of absence
    • the reason for missing school
    • daytime phone number
  3. Handwritten notes and emails are accepted within two days of the student returning to school (not excused)
  4. A medical professional note may excuse the absence, this is always preferred over a parent/guardian note.


What to do when your child is late to school 

  1. Check-in through the front office. 
  2. If a student comes in late because of a late AISD school bus, they will receive a late bus pass and an excused tardy is recorded.
  3. If a student comes in late with a note from a parent or accompanied by a parent, then the student receives an unexcused tardy slip from the Attendance Clerk.
  4. Student must report to class immediately after getting tardy slip from front office.

Attendance-leave early

What to do when your child needs to leave early

  1. A parent/guardian picking up a student that needs to leave during the day may call the main office at 512-414-3207 when they are on their way. A note can also be sent to the student, and they can turn that into the office. 
  2. The parent/guardian must show their ID and be on the student’s pick-up list. 
  3. When returning to campus, the student should come to the office to sign in and bring a note from the parent/guardian or a medical professional.