The Dinning Commons
The dining commons provides breakfast and lunch for all students and staff. Breakfast is served from 8:00 a.m. to 8:15 a.m., and students attend a 30-minute lunch period according to their schedule.
In the dining commons, students are expected to behave appropriately. Students should:
- Walk with teacher directly to dining commons.
- Take a seat in the designated area or head to a lunch line.
- Sit as they eat, one student per seat.
- Clean up when they have finished eating.
- Dining commons clean up the last 5 minutes of lunch.
- Do not throw food, sit on tables, cut in line, or run in the dining commons.
- Leave only with adult approval and a signed pass.
- Take a seat and wait for dismissal by an assistant principal at the end of lunch.
*AISD does not allow students to bring food (i.e., cupcakes, pizza, cake) to share with other students..
*Marshall does not allow food delivery services to deliver food to students. Examples of this include Favor, Door Dash, UberEats, and other businesses that provide these services.
*Parent/guardian may drop off food for their student, but must be dropped off in the front office during their assigned lunch time.
A new meal application is required each school year. Online meal applications can be submitted by creating an account at schoolcafe.com. A paper application is also available in our office.
Austin ISD Free & Reduced Meals Information.