- Doors will open at 7:50 am. Staff supervision will not be available before this time.
- Locations for drop-up:
- bus riders (Tilley St. entry, walk to courtyard)
- car riders (Zach Scott entry by field)
- walkers (Tilley St. entry by courtyard)
- Remember: It is a crime to pass a school bus when the bus lights are flashing and the stop sign is extended.
- Once students arrive in the morning, they are not permitted to leave campus.
- Students will be seated in the allowable courtyard spaces or in the dining commons for breakfast.
- An administrator will release students to their 1st/5th period at 8:16 am
- Students will have 4 minutes to go directly to their first period (there will be a 1 minute warning bell)
- 1st/5th period will start at 8:20 am.
- If students arrive after 8:20, they will need to go to the front office for a late pass.
Walkers will enter gated Front Entry of building located off of Tiley St.

Car Drop Off/Pick Up
Car Drop Off Flow - Enter drop off line from Zach Scott, Move along purple arrow, Exit Tilley St. Pass on the left.
To avoid long car drop off/pick up lines, you may want to identify nearby locations to drop off/pick up your student.
Be mindful that we are surrounded by homes as we do not want to disrupt their ability to safely enter and exit.
Car Drop Of Key:
- Purple: School Front Entrance/White Gates Facing Tilley St.
- Red: Parking Only for School Entry- NO park and Drop Off
- Pink: Cars Stop in right lane and Students Exit Cars

Bike riders will find bike racks lining the Zach Scott Street side of building B
Be mindful of buses, walkers, and cars. Carefully utilize the bike lanes and park, lock up your bikes using these racks.

Bus loop and staff parking only- no car drop off
Bus riders will walk to the white gated front entry of the building facing Tilley St. to enter the campus.
Yellow outlines parking area. Access from Tilley Street.

- Students will be dismissed by their teacher at 3:50pm.
- Locations for pick-up:
- bus riders (North side of building)
- car riders (South side of the building off of Zach Scott)
- walkers (exit white courtyard gates)
- Students must exit the campus by 3:55 p.m. unless they are attending after school activities.
- Once a student leaves the school, they are not allowed back to campus.
- All students remaining on campus for afterschool activities must meet in the dining commons to be picked up by their teacher.
- Please have a plan for students to get home safely.