Cell Phone Policy 2024-25

Cell Phone Policy

  • Students will review appropriate cell phone use and digital citizenship at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment.  
  • Phones should stay out of sight and not in use.
  • Not allowed: social media; pictures/videos of students/teachers that are not class related.
  • Phones should remain in backpacks during hallway transitions, restrooms, dining commons, and CONNECT outside time. 
  • Airpods or speakers are not allowed on campus. 
  • Should an Administrator or Security Guard be called to a classroom to retrieve a phone, then the student’s cell phone will be confiscated. Read below for next steps depending on number of offenses.
  • If the phone is confiscated on a Friday, the 48-hour hold will be over the weekend, and the phone can be picked up by a parent or guardian on the following Monday at the end of the school day.

1st offense

Staff member gives the phone to Assistant Principal (AP). AP calls home, reviews policy, and student can pick up phone at the front office at the end of the school day.

2nd offense

Staff member gives the phone to AP, AP calls home, reviews policy, and parent must pick up the phone. 

3rd offense

Staff member gives the phone to AP, AP calls home, 48-hour hold, the parent must pick up the phone. A fee of $10.00 or 1 hour community service assigned to students.

4th offense

Student put on phone contract. Phone is picked up in the office at the start of each school day and returned at the end of the school day.
